The Latest Way to Listen and monitor Another Man's Call Through Using Gsm

We are now in a mobile world whereby nothing is hidden. some people will leave their work, office or market following their husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, all in the name of monitoring him or her, your knowing him or she is wasting time. there is something you can actually press on his or her phone, whenever someone calls him or her, your own phone will also be ringing. immediately he or she picks it, your own phone will automatically be picked and you can start hearing their conversation. this is also known as tapping another Man's phone.

on the phone of the person you want to monitor, press **21*174 and your phone number, then press # and send it Or press **67*174(your phone number) # yes/ok.

Mr Samuel whose phone number is 08033992998, want to monitor his fiancee Joy whose phone number is 08063426688, all Mr John need to press on Joy's phone is **21*17408033992998# yes/ok Or **67*17408033992998# yes/Ok this requires credit on both phones before you can activate it

How To Cancel Listening, Monitoring Or Tapping Another Man's Call
On the person's phone you are monitoring, kindly press ##21# yes/Ok Or ##002# yes/ok.

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